Girl Scouts in Action

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Rocketdyne was a company located in the San Fernando Valley that made rockets and missiles after World War II. This video by Gable F. of Troop 1611 explores some of the women who were employed at Rocketdyne and highlights the need for more women to go into the field of science.

Personal Note from Gable: I made this video for the Think Like A Programer journey, part of the Junior badge week hosted by the Honolulu council. My mom told me a little bit about Rocketdyne and I thought it was interesting so we went onto the Library website and researched it. I learned how to use an editing software called Final Cut Pro and we got to work. We spent a day working on it and this is the final product. Enjoy!

Images in the video courtesy of the Valley Times Collection/Los Angeles Public Library

This Girl Scouts Gold Award, The Welcome Refugee Project, serves refugees and an organization helping them. By transforming the International Rescue Committee Los Angeles’ lobby into a welcoming, cheerful space, the project aims to bring hope and positivity to those who have suffered greatly. I will beautify the lobby with art panels that I painted of national/native flowers of the 49 countries served by the IRC. To give children a place to have fun & create, I will install a kids’ art table containing coloring sheets of my flower paintings and drawing supplies. To address practical needs, I will install new storage furniture and new desks to create an organized & calm space for the IRC and refugee families. This project also hopes to build more awareness to the current global refugee crisis and to encourage others to help. Please follow @thewelcomerefugeeproject on Instagram for project updates and to learn more about the refugee crisis & how you can help.