UPDATED 4/18/2023
All permission forms must be sent to permissionslip.cvgsu@gmail.com for review BEFORE sending them to the parents to sign.
GSGLA Permission Slip Webinar
Check the updated links on the bottom of this page for Covid19 specific forms.
For efficiency…the subject of the email must be XXXXX – “Name of Form” – “Name of Event” (replace XXXXX with your 5 digit troop number). Each event must be submitted separately and keep all communication about the event in the same email thread. You will either receive an email that says “This event is not approved. Please see attached.” or “This event is approved. Please forward the attached Permission Form to your troop parents.”
Please refer to the “What I Need for My Girls to Attend A…” form for the time frame for permission form submittal to the SU. Forms that are not submitted on time will not be approved. Please be courteous. We are all volunteers. 🙂
Click the form you wish to download. Please remember, not all are fillable and may be multiple pages.
A Troop leader’s Guide to Permission Forms
Keep for reference and refer to often.
What I Need for my Girls to Attend A…
Keep for reference and refer to often.
Annual Permission Form
Keep this form for your troop records. Do not forward to the SUM.Â
Annual Permission Notification Form
Must be filled out for each individual event. This form must be forwarded to the submitted to the SUM (permissionslip.cvgsu@gmail.com with the subject “XXXXX – Notification Form – “Name of Event”) BEFORE sending to parents.
Known as “Written Notification” on the last page of the Leader’s Guide to Parent Permission Forms.