Hello! I am Annika Near-Ansari from troop 1711. I have been a Girl Scout since Daisies and have always had grand plans of a Gold Award that is going to make a big difference (not exaggerating, I’ve been brainstorming ideas since I learned about the award) I am proud to say that my project is living up to the dreams that Brownie Annika had 🙂
During middle and high school, I have been intensely involved in scouting, joining a Venturing Crew and a Scouts BSA troop alongside my continuing Girl Scout membership. I noticed that my other troop had lots of gear built up from decades of the troop being around. Since Girl Scout troops work differently, we don’t tend to have all that gear ready to be used. This can make it hard for troops that have never been camping or who don’t have the resources to be able to give it a try.
The goal of my project is to help introduce more youth to camping and build confidence in outdoor skills. With this service, your troop can, for a low price, rent gear for your camping trips without having to spend your troop’s whole budget on gear you may not want to commit to yet. I also wrote guides that explain the set-up, clean-up, and use of the gear as well as some other outdoor principles. These guides are available laminated at the Montrose Program Center (only 2), or here for download.
Camping is a great way to build leadership and teamwork and learn environmental awareness and compassion, so I want to make camping accessible to any scout who wants to go.
Yours in Scouting,
Annika Near-Ansari, 2022
Everything goes back into the program to get new gear or replace gear as it gets old and keep the program running. You can help by making sure gear is clean and dry when returning it to the Montrose Program Center. Please provide your own fuel, batteries, and other consumable goods.
To keep this accessible, the maximum price that a troop will pay to rent gear for a weekend is $50, up until that point everything is as priced below.
Headlamp – 50¢
Compass – 50¢
Hanging Lantern – $1
Sleeping Pad – $1
Dutch Oven – $1
External Frame Backpack – $1
Cooler – $2
Bear Canister – $3
2 Person Lightweight Tent – $3
Folding Tables – $4
2 Burner Stove – $5
6 Person Tent – $5